Canada's NDP


May 12th, 2024

NDP motion to lower grocery prices for Canadians rejected by Liberals and Conservatives

OTTAWA — On Wednesday, Liberals and Conservative voted to reject an NDP proposal to lower grocery prices for Canadians.

On Tuesday, the Liberal minister said he didn’t want to implement a price cap on grocery staples despite other jurisdictions, like France, are successfully taking more agressive measures to lower food prices. The Trudeau government has also refused NDP calls to put in place an excess profits tax to make grocery CEOs pay what they owe and put money back in people’s pocket.

“Let’s be clear about what happened today, when given the chance, Liberals and Conservatives chose again to side with ultra-wealthy grocery giants instead of helping Canadian families who have been struggling for years to put food on the table,” said Singh. “The Liberal government has the absolute gall to tell Canadians they’re doing the best they can to help with the soaring cost of food. They’re unbelievably out of touch; Canadians deserve so much better.”

Over the last three years, the cost of food has increased by over 20 per cent and food bank usage is at a 35-year high. All the while, the grocery sector made record profits in 2023, raking in $6 billion.

Trudeau gave $25 million of public money to Loblaws and Costco while they were already making massive profits. And this is on top of Pierre Poilievre’s $2.35 billion corporate handout to big grocers that Justin Trudeau maintained. In 2022, the NorthWest Company CEO made over $3.9 million. Meanwhile, cashiers at North Mart in Iqaluit can’t afford to shop in the store where they work.

“People need help now. Food bank usage is at a 35-year high and people are putting groceries back on the shelf,” said Singh. “The government’s approach—asking grocery giants to sign onto a voluntary, toothless code of conduct and asking them nicely to lower prices—is just not working. Instead of taking meaningful, urgent action to lower prices for Canadians, the Liberals and Conservatives continue to give public money to grocery CEOs.”